Saturday, February 14, 2009

T Minus 2 Hours

In two hours I get my husband back. This week has been pretty busy for him. Every week is busy, but this week he had two Econ midterms, and then one of his Russian professors (a professor that teaches Russian, but is not actually Russian, just for clarification) sprung a midterm on the class with 24 hours notice... scheduled right in the middle of both of his econ tests. Lovely. So, between revision and his normal (absurd) amounts of homework, Evan hasn't exactly had an awful lot of time to really be home and relax. But all of that is going to change in two hours, because in two hours the testing center closes, and even if he hasn't finished, he will have finished. And that means I can finally clean the glass surfaces in our apartment. One of Evan's little idiosyncrasies is that he likes to solve math problems on our windows and mirrors rather than on paper. I think it helps him to collect his thoughts, and I find it funny and rather endearing. So, I thought I would share pictures of some of the surfaces in our place that have been intelligently graffitied.

Some of the kitchen window graffiti...

And on our linen closet door...

And on our bedroom closet door.

I love my husband. And I'll be glad to have him back, and have our family be back to normal.


  1. Well, I guess it saves on paper!! Also double yolks are very common, and make for lovely cakes!

  2. The last picture looks like it says "sandwich" in the equation. What, exactly, is he studying again?

  3. Hahaha...

    That's because it does say sandwich. That was from a story problem where some dude had a certain amount of money and we were supposed to figure out how happy he could be based on how much the stuff for his sandwiches cost....

    But yeah, sandwich. That's really all that economists ever do. No wonder the actual economy is in shambles... If only the world were actually explained by peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!

  4. Economy: net yield = PBJs/appetite

    Haha you are just like John Nash in "A Beautiful Mind." Hope you guys had an excellent long weekend and were able to get some time together before the craziness of school starts up again! Love you...

  5. I totally did the same thing when I was in school. I had a huge double mirror and would write out everything on it...the only bad thing about it were the headaches I would get from the dry erase markers...yet it didn't stop me from writing on our mirrors.
