Thursday, September 27, 2007

Life in Happy Valley

Well, it has been a while. We are still trying to get into the swing of things. Evan has got so much on his plate with his full-time commitment to both school and work. I'm not sure how he does it, but somehow he manages. I have a feeling we shall need a vacation soon.

It has been an interesting month for us. I think Provo is a different experience when you are married, but I am still trying to work out if that is a conscious choice that we have made or whether that really is the reality. It definitely seems, judging from a lot of the people in our soon-to-be old BYU married students ward, that there are people for whom the whole BYU experience is exactly the same, married or not. (Sadly, I think those people fall under the category of things we didn't like about BYU in the first place.) So, the question then becomes an issue of whether they have made the conscious choice to keep it the same, or if they are living in 'fake-believe'. I would like to think that I am the one slightly more in touch with reality, but this place is so overrun with strange people that I am beginning to be filled with self-doubt. It's rather akin to the main character in Orwell's '1984', although, I hope, less sinister and I pray the ending will be different.

Oh well. It is all rather odd, and at the end of the day all I can say is I am glad I have someone who has the same outlook on life as I do, and I am so glad I never have to go to a singles ward again... I makes life here more bearable.

1 comment:

  1. Provo can be different--a lot of people trying to figure out who they want to be forever. But it's a nice different--young people who are trying, probably for the first time in their life to be on their very best behavior. Especially nice when you consider how the same spectrum of people handle that transitional period at, say, San Diego State or Berkeley!

    But it's also good to move on and be able to hang out with others who've made up their minds who they are and what they stand for and thus seem more genuine.

    Glad you're finding your place.
